
產(chǎn)品中心您現(xiàn)在的位置:首頁 > 產(chǎn)品展示 > GE WHATMAN沃特曼 過濾產(chǎn)品代理 > GE WHATMAN沃特曼 定性濾紙 > whatman Filtration aids 助濾劑1703-050

whatman Filtration aids 助濾劑1703-050



whatman Filtration aids 助濾劑1703-050whatman Filtration aids 助濾劑1700-025 1703-050 1704-010Filtration aids

The range of Whatman filtration aids are available in three forms and pack sizes.




whatman Filtration aids 助濾劑1703-050whatman Filtration aids 助濾劑1703-050

whatman Filtration aids 助濾劑1700-025 1703-050 1704-010Filtration aids

The range of Whatman filtration aids are available in three forms and pack sizes.

ASLESS POWDER - Cellulose powder with an ash content of 0.015% and suitable for use as a filter bed

ASHLESS FLOC - Bulky mass of dry dispersed cellulose fibres which assist coagulation by forming a more flocculent suspension.  Ash content is 0.015% by weight.

ASHLESS CLIPPINGS - These are offcuts for maceration to make a pure filter pulp, which settles under suction in a funnel to form a thick, highly retentive filter bed.

Ordering Information - Ashless Filter Aids
Catalog NumberDescription
1700-025Ashless Powder, 250 g, 1/pk
1703-050Ashless Clippings, 500 g, 1/pk
1704-010Ashless Floc, 100 g, 1/pk


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